Grace for the Guilty—Jonah 3; John 8: 1-11
One of the things I have learned in playing uncle to a toddler on Fridays is just how bold they really are. A toddler will look you right in the face while doing the very thing you just said 4 times not to do. And the sad part is that some of them never grow out of it! Here’s one of my favorite examples. My office has experts in different areas of criminal law. An attorney called one of those experts the other day for advice. After my co-worker provided well-thought-out advice, the caller said, “Well, I disagree with that. I think it’s this instead.” My co-worker replied, “Well, why did you call me if you just wanted to argue and know it all anyway?” A friend of mine once said in a sermon, the whole of this gospel story is summed up in one lesson: don’t come at me with your obnoxious.
Here in the Gospel of John we see just that…an obnoxious ploy to trip up Jesus. As they interrupt Jesus’s teaching, the Pharisees and scribes bring a woman out right in front of the crowd and claim to Jesus that she has been caught red handed in the act of adultery. She should be stoned. What does Jesus say? Jesus sees this for what it is. They have brought no witnesses. There is no testimony. She’s not offered the ability to defend herself. And for that matter, Mosaic law held that BOTH the man and woman engaged in adultery are to face the death penalty for their actions. This isn’t a legitimate accusation and trial. It’s a vicious ploy to ruin her life and discredit Jesus’s teaching. So, what does Jesus say? Nothing.
Jesus stoops to write in the sand. What he wrote is not important. It may have been something profound, or it may have been doodles. The important part is that in doing this, he is ignoring their questions, even as they relentlessly continue to ask him over and over. Herein Jesus gives us a wise lesson: don’t engage with foolishness. In fact, Jesus never answers their question about the woman and her alleged sin. He challenges them instead that the blameless one should cast the first stone at her.
In the law, we have something called the doctrine of unclean hands. It’s a very old legal concept that you cannot accuse someone of wrongdoing if you too have been engaged in the wrongdoing. I’ll give you an example. In 1988 Rev. Jimmy Swaggert had to tearfully apologize on television for certain sins taking place in a motel room that involved a woman and some money. Likely this would never have been known had he not publicly feuded with another minister, Marvin Gorman, and outed him for an affair. Don’t call someone out for the very sin you’re doing. The religious leaders were clearly convicted of their guilt. They left this poor woman alone with Jesus, and not one stone was cast in her direction.
Jesus finishes writing in the sand, and then he addresses her. In the exchange, we learn that the accusers are gone, and with no one left to condemn her, neither does Jesus condemn her. But, it’s quite possible she’s not wholly innocent. Jesus says, “Go and sin no more.” Jesus was not sent into the world to condemn it, but to bring salvation to a people are guilty. You see, Jesus already knew her heart. He didn’t have to accuse, humiliate, question, condemn. He knew her heart, and all he had to do was release her in grace. It’s highly likely she was guilty, but Jesus came to bring grace, not punishment.
This idea of grace becomes more difficult when we know how profoundly we have been wronged. Look at Jonah. He fled from God’s calling because he knew the depths of God’s mercy, and frankly, he didn’t want Nineveh to experience it. He didn’t think they deserved it. And, as enemies of Israel, he wanted them to pay. When he finally goes and takes God’s word to Nineveh, his worst fears are realized. Verse 10 tells us, “When God saw what they had done and how they had put a stop to their evil ways, God changed his mind and did not carry out the destruction [that had been] threatened.”
There are people in life who are going to do wrong to us. There are some we may even consider enemies. There may be in your life a person or persons that you want God to smite, or you want to bring into the public forum and have stoned just like the woman in the Gospel lesson. But if God’s grace is given to us, then God’s grace must be given to them as well. And as God’s people, followers of Christ, we are called to offer grace as well.
The religious leaders they wanted this woman stoned. The law demanded it, and they knew they could get two for the price of one: stoning an adulterer and trapping Jesus in legal and theological quandary. Don’t be mistaken, people may come for you with stones ready to cast or a challenge to make you look foolish in life. There are plenty of folks like the religious leaders of Jesus’s day out there ready to make life hard, and some of them are actual religious leaders. Yet in every moment, guilty though we may be, when we come to Christ, we are given grace, not condemnation and judgment.
The harder part is when we find ourselves holding the stone in hand, red faced with anger, and vengeance on our hearts and lips. Throwing the stone is easy, and dare I say, probably satisfying. Grace is hard. Grace requires us to allow God to work through us instead of doing things how we want to do them. On our own, I don’t know that we can easily choose to show grace. That has to be something that comes with God’s help in life.
A friend of mine once said that if you want to understand grace, watch how your dog acts. If you are gone for a lone time, they are overjoyed to see you return with kisses, jumping, and tail wagging. If you are late feeding them, they are happy with you just the same. If you forget a walk, they may get antsy and tear some things up, but they still come and curl up with you. When you are sad, they try to comfort. When you are happy, they rejoice with you. If you accidentally step on a tail, they graciously accept when you pet them and apologize. At every one of those moments, the dog could bite the fool out of you, and you might well deserve it. But more often than not, they simply love you anyway.
Now, if a dog can offer us that kind of grace, even when we may not deserve it, how much more capable are we, with our intelligence and ability, to offer grace to others in this life? If we want to be most like Jesus in this life, then we must offer grace to those who don’t deserve it just the same as those who do. For Jesus’s work of death and resurrection was done for those who love and follow him, and those who don’t. It’s a gift offered to both groups, as hard as that may seem to be. And it’s grace, pure and simple.
Our Gospel lesson gives us three strong lessons in grace, even for those who are guilty. There are times our accusers will come for us, hoping to publicly shame and humiliate us, and may even stand ready with stones to cast at us. When the accusers come, go to Christ. In him there is no judgment or condemnation, and we can find grace when our hearts are turned from what is wrong. There are times people will come to challenge us with questions and situations that may trip us up in life, but when the people challenge us, ignore the foolishness. Maybe you can even write in the sand while they go on and on.
And finally, there are times we will be holding the stone to cast at somebody else, and they may truly deserve it. But if we follow Christ, we must lay the stones down and choose the path that Christ would take. Christ went to the cross, so that all we have to do is lay down the stone. So in those moments when you have a choice with the stone in hand, remember Christ’s grace for you, and do the same.
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