Those Tough Lessons

Those Tough Lessons—Psalm 37: 1-5; Luke 6:27-38

             This portion of Luke is incredibly similar to the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew where we hear the Beatitudes. In Luke, however, it is called the “Sermon on the Plain,” and it tracks the lessons in Matthew closely. I imagine those who heard it were a bit shocked at what Jesus had to say. 

            “Love your enemies.” That’s what the man said. He told us to love our enemies, and to do good to those who hate us. I mean, what does he even mean by that, and who is he kidding? I can barely tolerate my friends and family on a good day, and now I’m supposed to love my enemies? He told us that if someone slaps us on the cheek (and you know what an insult that is!) that we should turn the other cheek to them. I guess it’s to allow them to just keep slapping us around. Let me tell you, growing up, I was taught that if someone slaps you, you smack the snot out of them and never back down. 

            And for that matter, if someone curses me and hurts me, I ain’t going to bless them and pray for them. You know how to curse me, guess what, I learned a whole vocabulary of choice words to give you back buster. Then, and get this, he tells me that if someone robs or steals my coat to give them my shirt also. Guess I’m supposed to just go running around in my undershirt or something. He kept on and on with that saying to just let thieves have my stuff. Don’t try to get it back or nothing. Just let it go. 

            He rounded this whole sermon out by telling us not to judge or condemn others. That’s like taking away my favorite hobby—being judgy. And this statement—“Do to others as you would like them to do to you.” You know what, I’m not even going to set myself up like that. I’m going to do to others just exactly like they treat me. You’re good to me, I’m going to be good to you. If not, good luck. 


            These really are some of Jesus’s toughest lessons to us. In many ways they are the opposite of what training and instinct would tell us to do. But these things also provide two important aspects of faith: distinguishing and trusting. When we hear something difficult or receive a tough life lesson, the first question we always ask is “why?” Luke’s gospel actually provides us the why right here in the reading. In verses 32 we are told, “If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit for that? Even sinners love those who love them!” Again, in verse 33 we are told, “Even sinners do that much!” Verse 34 reiterates the same phrase that even sinners will lend money for a full return. 

            The question, then, is what distinguishes us as Christians from what is generally accepted practice in the world around us? If we do what even sinners do, how is being a Christian any different? Over and over in multiple gospels, we are given the message that it is not enough just to claim being Christian. Words are empty unless there is action on our part which clearly provides evidence of the claim of faith we make. Now, our grace is not found in the work we do, but the proof of our grace, and the evidence of the faith and belief we claim, is found in how we live and what we do. 

            Imagine if you know someone who claims to be a concert pianist, and you never see them even touch a piano? Or what if someone claims to be a master chef and all you ever see them make for food is cereal? The proof of our claims to faith is evidenced in how we live and what we do in this world. If just anyone love those who love them, go the extra step, and love your enemies as well. If just anyone gives for a full return, go the extra step, and give to those who cannot give the money back. Don’t judge, don’t condemn, and be distinguished by being more like Jesus. 

            Living this way not only distinguishes us, but also helps us grow in our trust in God. Psalm 37:3 and 5 tell us, “Trust in the Lod and do good…Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” To be this proactively faithful in our lives is more than we can really do on our own. The other day, I was driving near the 16/75 split. There was some crazy person in Mercedes SUV tailgating, weaving, and blaring the horn at traffic. They nearly ran me off the road. And in that moment, I can assure you that when it comes to “do good to those who hate you, [and] bless those who curse you,” I failed completely and utterly. 

            Following these teachings are so against our nature for preservation and safety as humans, that we can only live them with trust in God to guide us each moment. This idea of the “Golden Rule” is one of the best known, but least practiced parts of Luke’s gospel. We are told, “Do unto others as you would like them to do to you.” Our intuition in life is to be retribution minded. If this person causes me problems, I’m going to make their life miserable. I’ll be a smart aleck right back to them. As Christians we cannot live our lives on the moral that we should do to others as they do to us. Even if it costs us pain and suffering, we are to model the behavior we would like to see in others. 

            A pastor I’m friends with offered a quote once which resonated with me, and that I go back to often. He said, “Believing in Jesus is not all that difficult. Actually following him is incredibly hard but also completely life-changing.” Both the Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plain present a narrative of God’s expectation for us as God’s people. But the truth is both are incredibly difficult to live. Perhaps the best advice is in verse 5 of the Psalm, “Commit everything you do to the Lord.” None of these instructions will be possible to live without God’s help and God’s guidance blended with our trust. 

            All these instructions, however, Jesus not only taught but lived. He loved and offered grace to those who worked against him. They took his life, and he rose in glory. He offered himself for us even when we did not deserve it, and like a lamb he was led away quietly. He taught against condemnation and paved a way to undo judgment. And God never treats us harshly in return for how we’ve acted. Trust in God to help you each day, and we can begin to be the people of God’s kingdom we are called and empowered to be. 

Apologies. The livestream did not work today. The sermon is text only.